Looking for something for your shop? Got something you're no long using and would like to sell or give away?
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*Listings for products or services through a business will not be accepted. By way of example, but not a exclusive list, turnings, supplies, or items acquired or produced in quantity primarily for resale will not be accepted.
Delta 46-765X, 2HP wood lathe wired for 220V, 24 pin index, variable speed. Works really well. Selling to make room for an upgrade lathe. Great first lathe for the new wood turning enthusiast. $1,400.
Contact Paul Rupe, 14253 NE 10th, Choctaw, OK 73020
(405) 568-8428, houserupe13z@gmail.com
Club member Paul Rupe has this walnut lumber for sale. S3S mostly 3/4 inch up to 3 inches thickness. 50 inches up to 84 inches in length.
$7 to 8$ / BF, depending on thickness. Will deliver at buyer's expense.
Contact Paul @ houserupe13z@gmail.com, (405) 568-8428
14253 NE 10th, Choctaw, OK 73020
Sold new for $1,100. It has been upgraded with speed dial, forward, reverse and brake. Comes with 4 tool rests and 4 belts, center point, etc.
Will require a stand.
$350 or best offer
Contact Sue Meyers-Dyer: 405 816-6740
Fits PSI CJAWFJ2 of LCJ8 chucks to allow for up to 14" chucking diameter. Will fit some other after market chucks also.